The stem, when the hand is stretched out to pluck the flower, quivers, and seems at once to shrink back, and present itself
Oblique Strategy: What wouldn’t you do?
A Flowering - performed by Indigo Cook, Uinta Cook, Edison Corvera, Connor Lilley, Soleil Lilley, Dani Mendez, and Nathaniel Woolley
- inspired by Desert Flower Diaries by Katie Eikam
Indigo Cook, presented to Soleil Lilley
Connor Lilley, presented to Indigo Cook
Nathaniel Woolley, presented to Connor Lilley
Uinta Cook, presented to Dani Mendez
Soleil Lilley, presented to Katelynn Killian
Edison Corvera, presented to Nathaniel Woolley
Dani Mendez, presented to Edison Corvera